请注意, 随着最近买它电子市场的实施, 采购服务部正在积极更新我们网站的常见问题解答部分.

What Is the Correct and Policy Compliant Procure-to-pay Process at 威尼斯人平台?

不管购买量多少, the correct procure-to-pay process must be followed to be compliant with the University’s Procurement Policy. Following the correct process also reduces the back-and-forth interaction with Purchasing and Accounts Payable, 减少挫败感, and saves time and effort for the department and Procurement staff members alike.


欲了解更多信息,请访问 Procure-to-Pay过程 网页.


A 买它 eMarketplace purchase order (PO) is the preferred purchasing method for applicable University purchases regardless of the dollar amount. 它是通过请求过程完成的 买它, 大学电子采购系统, 是什么阻碍了部门系统的拨款和路线, 预算审批, before it is converted into a PO by 采购服务 and dispatched to the vendor. A PO will reference the University’s terms and conditions and states that payment should not be remitted to any invoice that does not reference a PO number.

采购服务 strongly encourage departments to go through the requisition process and have a PO in place prior to receipt of goods or services from a vendor. After the fact POs or retrofit orders issued solely for the purpose of paying an invoice for goods and services already received/performed is not a leading practice and is therefore generally not permitted.

欲了解更多信息,请访问 采购的方法 网页.

How Do I Do a Requisition in 买它 eMarketplace and What Supporting Documents Do I Need?

申请流程在中启动 买它 eMarketplace, supported by various documents attached / uploaded to the online requisition.

Once the Requisition is completed and submitted by the requisitioner, it will be work-flowed in 买它 供部门批准, 如果是资助基金,则批准资助(3-基金), 在到达采购队列进行审核之前. 当被批准时, the Requisition is then processed into a Purchase Order (PO) that is emailed to the vendor with a copy emailed to the requisitioner.

欲了解更多信息,请访问 征用过程 网页.


部门用户可以方便地检查任何申请的状态, 采购订单, 和发票, 同时也认可他们, 直接在 买它 eMarkplace.

只需点击申请单、采购订单或发票号码 买它 to further review the details, approve it, or to see the status of approval and /or payment.

什么时候我需要得到3个报价Vs. 进行正式的招标/RFP流程?

所需的3个报价的门槛是10,000美元或更多 在同一财政年度与同一供应商, departmental end users are encouraged to obtain quotes for any amount to ensure that they gain an understanding of the market and are getting competitive pricing. 的利用 大学首选供应商 are highly encouraged as 采购服务 already negotiated or competitively bid out the contract to obtain competitive pricing and service terms on behalf of the University.

任何购买 $250,000或以上 需要经过一个 正式的RFP或投标流程.

欲了解更多信息,请访问 采购阈值 网页.


如果一个采购需求/订单/申请单合计或将合计到 在任何一个财政年度都要达到或超过10万美元, University policy mandates that the contract related to such transaction MUST be reviewed by the Office of General Counsel prior to execution.

不是每个人都能签合同的. An individual does not have authority to initiate or to enter into a contract or transaction, and should not represent that he or she has authority unless such authority is specifically provided for in the Q.1 .谈判和批准合同的权力. 如果权限不明确,应咨询总法律顾问办公室. 威尼斯人平台 shall have no obligation to honor contracts or transactions entered into that are not in compliance with this policy. Anyone who acts in violation of this policy is subject to discipline in accordance with applicable procedures.

欲了解更多信息,请访问 承包 网页.


Only 采购服务 can create new vendors in the University's vendor data base once all the requirements have been met and the necessary documents provided by the requesting department and the vendor.

请按照说明书上的说明操作 申请新的供应商 “采购服务”网页.


For accurate and timely vendor invoice payment, please ensure that you do the following:

  • Go through the appropriate requisition process and obtain an 威尼斯人平台 PO prior to engaging the vendors for products and services
  • 要求供应商在发票上注明伊利诺斯州技术公司的PO号
  • Make sure that the vendor submits the invoice directly to Accounts Payable for processing
  • 及时在Banner自助服务系统审核发票
  • Make sure that the FOAP you are using to pay the invoice is not in NSF (Insufficient Funds)


A check request for payment of vendor invoice direct to a vendor is allowed only for purchases of less than $500 unless it is covered by one of the exceptions listed on the 检查请求 网页.

在这些情况下, 供应商已经提供了低美元的产品或服务, 并将供应商发票交付给部门付款.

对于支票请求付款, the department must complete the Request for Check Form and signed and approved by the departmental approver. The invoice must be attached to the completed and signed Request for Check Form and inter-campus mailed to the Accounts Payable department for processing.


有关申请p -卡的详情,请浏览 P-Card申请流程 网页.


访问签证 Intellinlink 系统通过以下环节:


输入您的用户ID(这是您的威尼斯人平台电子邮件地址)和密码. 你还必须建立一个容易记住的单词. 作为附加的安全特性, 你将被要求从你记住的单词中输入特定的字母. 网站将随机选择所需的字母.

首次用户: Upon issuance of a new card, you will receive an email with a temporary password to Intellinlink.


Monthly Credit Limit is the total amount you can charge to your P-Card in a billing cycle and is found on your Cardholder Agreement. This value may change if you requested to increase or decrease your monthly credit limit.

所有p卡的单笔交易限额为$2,499; any transaction above $2,499 is considered a capital asset and must be obtained through the requisition process.


我不能用p -卡购买什么?

Under no circumstances can the P-Card be used for the following types of purchases:

  • 购买礼品卡/电子礼品卡
  • 任何服务的购买,尤其是那些属于政策范围内的服务 E.6第三方保险要求,包括巴士包租
  • 邮票
  • 建筑相关服务
  • 租赁,租赁,重复定期服务协议
  • 危险和放射性/核材料
  • 各类动物
  • 基本设备($2,500或以上)
  • 转售物品
  • 购买个人车辆燃油


联系 PNC Bank 1-800-685-4039 to notify them where you will be traveling so that they know the charges are legitimate and not fraudulent.


使用PNC Visa卡不收取国际交易费用.


这张卡需要立即关闭, 你可以打印在卡背面的电话. 您还必须通知采购卡管理员 pcard@evfaas.com. 我们将签发一张新卡.


给采购卡管理员发电子邮件 pcard@evfaas.com 提供印在你的p卡上的名字, 你的p卡的最后四位数字, 还有你的合法名字. 您将在10至14天内收到新的PCard


Personal purchases on P-Cards are strictly prohibited and monitored by 采购服务.

如果您意外或错误地使用p卡进行了个人消费, 您需要通知采购卡管理员 pcard@evfaas.com and provide a detailed explanation as to why the prohibited purchase was made. 发放报销支票, 开给伊利诺伊理工学院的, 发给采购卡管理员,地址是 3424 S. 道富街,总部,4A7-2室,并提供收据支持.


通知采购卡管理员 pcard@evfaas.com 你想要关闭你的p卡. 如果适用的话,请说明你的信用卡的最后四位数字和关闭的原因. 请将已关闭的p卡撕碎.