Family Housing

Student Family Housing

威尼斯人平台认识到,教育领域的人口结构正在发生变化. 这就是为什么我们为有家庭的学生提供一个专门的校园社区而感到自豪! 威尼斯人平台的学生家庭住房结合了校园和社区生活的最佳条件. Living on campus has a whole host of advantages, including proximity to classes and campus buildings, community programming, extracurricular events, staff, and peer support. 学生家庭住房提供了一个以学习和学习者为特色的环境,其速度与周围社区相当.

学生家庭公寓的居民不仅仅是威尼斯人平台社区的成员, but are also members of the Chicago community. 这个充满活力的城市为各种规模的家庭提供教育和娱乐威尼斯人平台, 以及提供任何大都市所期望的服务.

Illinois Tech Campus Life

威尼斯人平台校园为有家庭的学生提供一系列服务. 我们的餐饮计划可供学生家庭使用, 家庭成员可以通过点击下面的链接购买额外的膳食计划. Additionally, Keating Sports Center has memberships 学生家庭成员可申请年度及学期. 此外,家庭可以参加各种各样的社区和文化活动 events that are happening on campus!


两所公立学校为家庭住房社区服务: John J. Pershing Magnet School for the Humanities, 一所从幼儿园到八年级的学校,致力于通过实施人文学科来提高阅读能力, and Wendell Phillips Academy High School, 第九至第十二所致力于大学准备和技术整合的学校. Additionally, 在布里奇波特和布朗兹维尔(道格拉斯)社区有许多私立和教会学校, which are searchable through GreatSchools.

Child Care

居住生活办公室明白,儿童保育可能是家庭选择教育机构的主要考虑因素. 整个社区都有日托服务, including two branches of the nationally recognized One Hope United Child Development Centers in Bridgeport.

Health Care

布朗兹维尔和布里奇波特社区的服务对象是 Insight Hospital and the University of Chicago Hospital. For non-emergency and family practice care, 在离校园几个街区的地方有许多紧急护理设施.


威尼斯人平台的校园位于布里奇波特和布朗兹维尔繁荣的社区之间,交通便利, 哪些提供各种家庭活动和资源. The two communities together have 19 parks and one beach, as well as five libraries.

Bronzeville is home to the DuSable Museum of African American History, as well as the Wabash YMCA and the Bronzeville Children’s Museum. Guaranteed Rate Field, home to the Chicago White Sox, is located in Bridgeport, 下午和芝加哥的狗一起玩游戏是一个不容错过的威尼斯人平台!


威尼斯人平台的学生家庭住房努力让学生负担得起. 费率是基于附近的社区价格以及标准的大学费率程序. Our student family housing apartments include heat, gas, electricity, water, trash, laundry, high-speed internet, and cable!


Summer 2024

Apartment TypeResidence HallOccupancySession D Rate (5/12/2024 - 8/4/2024)
Studio Apartment Gunsaulus Hall only Maximum of two residents$4,609
1 Bedroom Apartment Gunsaulus HallMaximum of two residents$5,608
1 Bedroom Apartment Carman HallMaximum of two residents$6,471
2 Bedroom ApartmentGunsaulus HallMaximum of four residents$7,436
2 Bedroom ApartmentCarman HallMaximum of four residents$7,967
3 Bedroom ApartmentCarman HallMaximum of 3 residents$9,860

Academic Year 2024-25

Apartment TypeResidence HallOccupancyPer Semester RateAcademic Year Rate
Studio Apartment Gunsaulus Hall only Maximum of two residents$5,976$11,952
1 Bedroom Apartment Gunsaulus Hall Maximum of two residents$7,272$14,544
1 Bedroom Apartment Carman HallMaximum of two residents$9,642$19,284
2 Bedroom ApartmentGunsaulus HallMaximum of four residents$8,391$16,782
2 Bedroom ApartmentCarman HallMaximum of four residents$10,331$20,661
3 Bedroom ApartmentCarman HallMaximum of 3 residents$12,786$25,571

Residents will need to bring or buy their own:

  • Bed linens
  • Blankets and pillows
  • Towels and wash cloths
  • Clothes hangers
  • Laundry basket and detergent
  • Living room and bedroom lamps
  • Rugs (floors are tiled)
  • Kitchen utensils, plates, pots, pans, etc
  • Electronics
  • Other items deemed necessary by the resident

Application Process

学生家庭住房的数量非常有限. 每年秋季和春季学期,我们都会为有家庭的被录取学生保留一些单元. 未来的学生家庭将需要完成常规住房申请和学生家庭住房申请. 在收到两份申请并附上所需的证明文件之前,学生家庭住房分配将不会进行. 所有家庭住房申请以及所有所需的文件和表格必须在每年以下日期之前提交

  • Fall semester: June 1
  • Spring semester: December 1

Application for Housing

  • Students with children/dependents
    • 每个将居住在指定地区的孩子的出生证明
Dependent Care Plan (180.79 KB)
  • Married Students
    • Valid marriage license
  • Civil Union
    • Legal documentation of civil union
  • Domestic Partnership
    • 对彼此共同福利的共同责任和共同经济义务可以通过以下两份文件来证明.
      • Joint mortgage or lease
      • 指定同居伴侣为人寿保险受益人
      • 指定家庭伴侣为退休死亡抚恤金的受益人
      • 在遗嘱中指定国内合伙人为受益人或在遗嘱中指定居民
      • 持久财产和/或医疗保健授权书
      • Joint ownership of motor vehicle
      • Joint ownership of bank account (savings/checking)
      • Joint legal guardianship of children
      • 信用卡或信用账户的共同所有权和责任
      • Joint utility bills
    • Qualifications:
      • 学生是同性或处于过渡阶段
      • 学生没有结婚证书或民事结合文件
      • 学生是彼此唯一的家庭伙伴,对彼此的福利负责
      • 学生之间有着密切而忠诚的个人关系,并打算无限期地保持这种关系
      • 学生分担基本生活费用(基本食物、住所和其他费用)
      • Students are not legally married to any other person
      • 在伊利诺斯州,学生之间没有任何血缘关系,因此不能结婚
      • 学生必须年满18岁,并且有精神能力同意

根据家庭住房政策获得特权的学生必须在30个日历天内向居住生活办公室报告任何终止关系的状态变化. 如果学生不再符合家庭住房资格要求,学生房间分配和价格可能会发生变化.